Carling Technologies C1005B-Series thermal circuit breakers offers the functionality of a switch and circuit breaker in a single compact package, which fits an industry standard mounting hole. This combo device eliminates the need for both a switch and thermal circuit protector on panels. The C1005B are multipurpose circuit breakers that make wiring and assembly easy, while at the same time, save valuable panel space.
Illuminated or non-illuminated versions Standard Reset/Off legend Curved rocker and angular bezel 1500 V ac dielectric strength 100 megohms at 500 V dc insulation resistance Compact space saving package
Thermal Magnetic Convertible
All CBEs have blade terminals and have an insulation resistance greater than 100MΩ (MegaOhms).
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Audio Visual Equipment, Commercial Applications, Generators, Household Appliances, Marine Applications, Medical Equipment, Power Strips, Power Supplies, Telecommunications, Transportation